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Module 6 Short Paper

Module 6 Short Paper

Q OL 690 Module Six Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric Preparing the Organization for DEI Guidelines Overview: Leveraging your completed issue analysis from Milestone Two, create a two-paragraph communication piece that announces the plan to implement DEI initiatives in the organization you chose for the course final project. As you prepare your communication, consider what steps need to be taken to engage internal and external stakeholders. Your final submission should be one two-paragraph communication piece. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should be two paragraphs in length and should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to a discipline-appropriate citation method. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Main Elements Includes all of the main Includes most of the main Includes some of the main Does not include any of the 25 elements and requirements elements and requirements elements and requirements main elements and and cites multiple examples to and cites many examples to requirements illustrate each element illustrate each element Inquiry and Analysis Provides in-depth analysis that Provides in-depth analysis that Provides analysis that Does not provide in-depth 20 demonstrates complete demonstrates complete demonstrates minimal analysis understanding of multiple understanding of some understanding of concepts concepts concepts Integration and All of the course concepts are Most of the course concepts Some of the course concepts Does not correctly apply any of 10 Application correctly applied are correctly applied are correctly applied the course concepts Critical Thinking Draws insightful conclusions Draws informed conclusions Draws logical conclusions, but Does not draw logical 20 that are thoroughly defended that are justified with evidence does not defend with evidence conclusions with evidence and examples Research Incorporates many scholarly Incorporates some scholarly Incorporates very few scholarly Does not incorporate scholarly 15 resources effectively that resources effectively that resources that reflect depth resources that reflect depth reflect depth and breadth of reflect depth and breadth of and breadth of research and breadth of research research research Writing No errors related to Minor errors related to Some errors related to Major errors related to 10 (Mechanics/Citations) organization, grammar and organization, grammar and organization, grammar and organization, grammar and style, and citations style, and citations style, and citations style, and citations Total 100%

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